This is the small page for my Tamil Input Method module for the development version of GTK+ which is the precursor to GTK+-2.0.Currently the key sequence mapping does not follow any existing schemes like Anjal transliteration or the Tamil typewriter layout.

      Certain things I should tell you,

1)  To get the vowel to combine with the consonant, use Capital letters of the correspong vowels.
    (ex) kI will "KI" while ki will give KA and Vowel E.

       For convinience "q"(small letter) has been used instead of "Q"(capital) to get the Mey-s.

2) To get longer forms of the vowel press the vowel character twice.
      (ex) kII will give "KII".
      Again for convinience single "A" has been kept to get the longer form AA instead of two A-s.

3) As you may notice,a character is not composed  until  a sequence is completed leading to weird vowel signs        being displayed.I'm still not sure how uncomfortable this is and is to be reviewed.

4) The "RENDU SUZHI NA" (Unicode NNNA)   is bound to backslash, SHA to "Capital C".
      Look at the source for the other bindings!!!

And my favourite part of any web page -

Screenshot 1 - Showing Tamil input in the testtext program.Also seen is the Popup menu for changing the input
method and  red coloured word at the end of a search.

Screenshot 2 - File dialog showing a file with Tamil name typed in through the Tamil input method.

You can grab the source to the input method here.(UPDATED on Feb 22nd),

This is to be untarred in the modules/input/ directory of the gtk+ source.I tried mine only with the CVS version of gtk+ but should also compile on an older snapshot.Run autogen.sh at the toplevel and then compile.

Mail me if you have any IM-s.(!!)

Last Modified : Feb 22nd, 2001
S.Vikram <upender@vsnl.com>